Bylaws of the Midwest Association for Toxicology and Therapeutic Drug Monitoring (MATT)

Article I: Name and Objectives

The Name of this organization is The Midwest Association for Toxicology and Therapeutic Drug Monitoring and may herein be referred to as the Association or MATT. MATT is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization incorporated in Ohio.

Section 2: Goals and Objectives

The Goals of the organization are: to advance the scientific, research, clinical services, and education in Toxicology Clinical, Forensic, Environmental and others, and Therapeutic Drug Monitoring; and to develop a Membership from interest of fellow scientists, physicians, health professionals, administrators and industrial colleagues. The Objectives are: to promote the professional, scientific and educational activities through planned meetings and symposia; to develop and distribute newsletters for the Membership; to form specific interest-focused groups for enhancing their professional and scientific activities; to interact/collaborate/enhance professional, research and educational activities with other professional organizations.

Article II: Region and Headquarters

Section 1: Region

The Region of the Association will consist of the charter states of Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky, Michigan, Minnesota, Missouri, Ohio, and Wisconsin. Membership is not limited to these states.

Section 2: Headquarters

The Headquarters of the Association will be at the business/home address of the Treasurer.  For tax, government, and banking purpose this address is to be used.

Article III: Members, Privileges, Rights, Responsibilities, and Applications

The Membership period will be active from January 1 through December 31. Any applications or renewals received after the annual meeting will not be prorated. For delinquency, see Article IV Section 2. Member types include Full Members, Lifetime Members, Student Members, and Honorary Members.

Section 1: Members

Full Membership in MATT is open to all applicants, regardless of location, who meet Full Membership qualifications. Full Members shall be persons who are current and former professional scientists, physicians, health professionals, administrators, and industrial colleagues who have an interest in Toxicology, Therapeutic Drug Monitoring, or Pharmacogenomics in order to further the aforementioned fields. Full Membership applicants will be required to submit a resume or Curriculum vitae (CV) and are subject to approval by the Executive Board. The Executive Board reserves the right to deny or rescind Full Membership for conduct contradictory to the goals and objectives of the organization.

Section 2: Lifetime Members

Lifetime Membership in MATT is open to all applicants, regardless of location, who meet Lifetime Membership qualifications. Lifetime Members shall be persons who are current and former professional scientists, physicians, health professionals, administrators, and industrial colleagues who have an interest in Toxicology, Therapeutic Drug Monitoring, or Pharmacogenomics in order to further the aforementioned fields. Lifetime Membership applicants will be required to submit a resume or CV and are subject to approval by the Executive Board. The Executive Board reserves the right to deny or rescind Lifetime Membership for conduct contradictory to the goals and objectives of the organization.

Section 3: Student Members

Student Members shall be persons who are actively involved in formal education or training programs in the fields of Toxicology, Therapeutic Drug Monitoring, or Pharmacogenomics and are not considered employees in these programs. Student Members should be full-time students. Anyone seeking advanced degrees and actively engaged in the fields of Toxicology, Therapeutic Drug Monitoring, or Pharmacogenomics shall apply as Full Members. Student Members may not vote, hold office, or participate in the business meetings of the Association. They shall pay dues as designated by the Association. Student Members will receive official communication (newsletters, meeting notices, etc.) similar to those received by Full and Lifetime Members.

Section 4: Honorary Members

Honorary Members may be designated from time to time by the Executive Board. These persons shall have served the Association through either direct contribution of service or through contributions to the advancement of the fields of Toxicology, Therapeutic Drug Monitoring, or Pharmacogenomics. Honorary Members shall not pay dues, vote, hold office or participate in the business meetings of the Association. Honorary Members will receive Association services as defined by the Executive Board.

Section 5: Privileges and Responsibilities of Members

Membership in the Association is considered a privilege and is dependent on persons complying with the Bylaws and following high standards of professional ethics and practice. All Members are expected to contribute to the objectives of the Association. All Members will receive services or benefits such as newsletters, meeting notifications, discounted meeting registration fees, etc., as are defined by the Executive Board.

Article IV: Dues and Delinquency

Section 1: Dues

The Dues for Membership in the Association will be determined annually by the Executive Board. Dues for the current year will be payable on or before the annual meeting. Any applications or renewals received after the annual meeting will not be prorated.

Section 2: Delinquency

Payment of dues for the current year will be considered delinquent after the annual meeting. Any Member in arrears of dues as defined by the MATT Bylaws shall not be a Member in good standing and shall forfeit the voting rights of Membership as well as other benefits as determined by the MATT Executive Board. The person’s name will be removed from the official Membership list. Delinquency of dues payment is considered grounds for removal of an Officer or Member of the Executive Board. Reinstatement after removal of a Member’s name from the official Membership list requires reapplication for Membership to the Association (Refer to Article III: Section 1).

Article V: Officers, Executive Board: Qualifications, Duties, Term of Office

Section 1: Officers and Executive Board

Officers of the Association shall be elected by the Members and shall consist of a President, Vice President, Secretary and Treasurer. The President shall appoint the Newsletter Editor(s), Communications Chair, Membership Chair, and Website Administration Chair. The President appoints the Executive Director and then petitions the Executive Board vote for approval. The Executive Board shall consist of all elected Officers and the Immediate Past President. The Newsletter Editor(s), Communications Chair, Membership Chair, Website Administration Chair, and Executive Director shall serve in an advisory manner to the Executive Board and may attend all meetings of the Board but will not be included in determining a quorum of the Board. Only the elected Officers and the Immediate Past President will have voting rights in regard to Executive Committee decisions.

Section 2: Qualifications

The Officers and Executive Board shall be members of the Association.

Section 3: Duties of the Executive Board

The Executive Board shall be the legal governing body of the Association.

The Executive Board shall have complete control and management of the affairs of the Association as is defined by law and by these Bylaws. The Executive Board shall approve the appointment of Chairs of Ad-Hoc Committees or any other group that is required to conduct the business or accomplish the objectives of the Association.

Section 4: Duties of the Officers

President: The President shall be the President of the Association and the Chairperson of the Executive Board. The President shall preside at all meetings of the Members as well as the Executive Board. The President shall be an ex-officio Member of all committees, except the Nominations Committee. The President shall appoint Newsletter Editor(s), Communications Chair, Membership Chair, and Website Administration Chair should the position be vacated, or the Officer removed from the position. The President appoints the Executive Director and then petitions the Executive Board vote for approval. The President shall appoint Ad-Hoc Committees, when necessary, with the approval of the Executive Board. The President shall perform all other duties assigned to them by the Executive Board. The President shall become the Immediate Past-President upon completion of the term of office.

Vice-President: The Vice President shall perform the duties of President when the President is unable to perform their duties. The Vice President shall perform all other duties assigned to them by the Executive Board. The Vice President shall become the President upon completion of the term of office.

Immediate Past-President: The Immediate Past-President will remain as a voting Member of the Executive Board for one year after completion of term of office as President. The Immediate Past-President is responsible for the Nominations Committee and the proper presentation of candidates prior to the annual meeting.

Secretary: The Secretary shall keep accurate and permanent records of all Executive Board meetings and Association meetings. The Secretary shall be responsible for managing the agenda for Board meetings and will send meeting minutes to the Board within two calendar days following each meeting. The Secretary will be responsible for coordinating and sending meeting invites for the Executive Board. The Secretary shall answer Association correspondence promptly and keep files of the same. The Secretary shall be responsible for permanently archiving all documents.

Treasurer: The Treasurer shall keep accurate and timely financial records including all receipts of monies, expenditures, disbursements, and accounts receivable of the Association. The Treasurer shall maintain the bank account for the Association’s funds and provide monthly statements of accounts to the Executive Board, which will be permanently archived by the Secretary. The Treasurer shall update and maintain non-profit status. The Treasurer shall deposit all monies received by the Association. The Treasurer shall make all payments as directed by the President or the Executive Board. The Treasurer shall provide a yearly financial statement to the Association Members at the annual meeting, and provide financial statements required by federal and state agencies. The Executive Director will serve as the Assistant Treasurer and will hold that position until their term as Executive Director ends. The Treasurer will arrange for the Assistant Treasurer to be associated with all bank accounts.

Executive Director: The Executive Director shall be appointed by the President and voted on and approved by the Executive Board. Shall serve a term of three years. The Executive Director will serve as a non-voting Member of the Executive Board, but if a quorum is not met during a Board meeting, the individual may be granted temporary voting privileges. The Executive Director shall attend Board meetings and provide strategic advice to the Executive Board to ensure that procedures and Bylaws are followed. The Executive Director shall manage organizational resources, as well as serve as a parliamentarian when necessary. The Executive Director shall work with the Treasurer and perform an audit of financial records as necessary. The Executive Director will serve as the Assistant Treasurer and will hold that position until their term as Executive Director ends. In order to be considered for this position, the individual must have experience in MATT as a Board Member, Committee Chair, Committee Member, or Meeting Host.

Newsletter Editor(s): The President appoints the Newsletter Editor(s). The term of office is not defined. The Newsletter Editor(s) serves at the pleasure of the Executive Board and can be removed by vote of the Executive board. The Newsletter Editor(s) serves in an advisory capacity on the Executive Board but does not have voting rights in Board decisions. The Newsletter Editor(s) is responsible for reaching out to individuals and organizations for inclusion in letters and may work closely with the Communications Committee in developing content and stories. The Newsletter Editor(s) is responsible for the publication of at least two newsletters per year on the schedule affirmed each year by the Executive Board, which will be permanently archived by the Secretary.

Membership Chair: The President appoints the Membership Chair. The term of office is not defined. The Membership Chair serves at the pleasure of the Executive Board and can be removed by vote of the Executive Board. The Membership Chair serves in an advisory capacity on the Executive Board but does not have voting rights in Board decisions. The Membership Chair is responsible for collecting Membership renewals and maintaining a current list of the Membership, including an email directory. The Membership Chair is responsible for notification of dues past due. The Membership Chair is responsible for generating Membership certificates and distributing annually to new or renewing Members. The Membership list will be archived periodically (i.e., annually).

Communications Chair: The President appoints the Communications Chair. The term of office is not defined. The Communications Chair serves at the pleasure of the Executive Board and can be removed by vote of the Executive board. The Communications Chair serves in an advisory capacity on the Executive Board but does not have voting rights in Board decisions. The Communications Chair must manage the email communication and keep current, properly reflecting the annual meeting information and other activities of the organization as directed by the Executive Board. The Communications Chair is responsible for the set up and management of event tickets and survey voting. At times, the Communications Committee may be asked to serve as advisors for the annual MATT meeting host(s), assisting with planning, organization, and other needs. The Communications Chair will serve as the point-person for this advisory role with the meeting host(s). The Communications Chair will ensure open communication with the Website Administration Chair to ensure timely and effective updates are communicated through the website as well.

Website Administration Chair: The President appoints the Website Administration Chair. The term of office is not defined, and the Website Administration Chair serves at the pleasure of the Executive Board and can be removed by vote of the Executive Board. The Website Administration Chair serves in an advisory capacity on the Executive Board but does not have voting rights in Board decisions. The Website Administration Chair serves as the direct editor of the official MATT website. This includes the design, update, maintenance, and overall functionality of the website. Major changes to the website such as overall theme or the addition of new pages not related to current content should be approved by the Executive Board. Minor changes such as updating annual meeting information, activities, calendar events, job postings, or general page updates can be performed at the Website Administration Chair’s discretion. The Website Administration Chair will work closely with the Communications Committee and social media group, attending committee meetings as needed, in order to provide the best continuity of information across the website and communications, and ensuring updated information is reflected on the website. The Website Administration Chair shall be responsible for monitoring and responding to the email account. At minimum, the Communications Chair will be granted access to this email account for the purposes of sending mass emails and monitoring the account in the absence of the Website Administration Chair or when requested. The Website Administration Chair is the only person who may delete emails for Additionally, the Website Administration Chair will work with the site host to set-up and/or maintain additional email accounts for the organization as needed. The Website Administration Chair will conduct all manner of official business in a timely fashion and should maintain working knowledge of WordPress for site functionality. Meetings with the site host should be conducted at least annually to ensure the website is functioning with the proper security updates, plug-ins, and functionality. The Website Administration Chair will also be responsible for receiving and reporting the annual site costs to the Executive Board as soon as received, providing the Executive Board the website invoice, monitoring industry digital presences for trends and updates, and contributing to the organization’s marketing objectives.

Section 5: Term of Office

Each Officer of the Executive Board shall be elected by a majority vote of the Membership. Starting in 2003, the President, Vice-President, and Immediate Past President serve a one-year term. The Secretary will serve a two-year term. Starting in 2020, the Treasurer will serve a four-year term. Each Officer or Member of the Executive Board will take office immediately following the Annual Meeting.

Article VI: Removal From Office, Removal of Membership, Appeal

Section 1: Removal from Office

Any Officer or Member of the Executive Board can be removed by a vote of the Executive Board at a regular or special meeting (three out of four votes for the first two years, and three out of five votes thereafter). The reasons for the proposed removal must be sent to all Members of the Executive Board at least thirty calendar days prior to any meeting that will vote on the removal of any Officer or Executive Board Member. The termination of an Officer or Members position will be effective immediately after the vote.

Section 2: Right of Appeal

Any person removed from the Executive Board may appeal against this removal by submitting within thirty calendar days a written request for an appeal to the Executive Board. This appeal will be reviewed as a specific agenda item during the next scheduled meeting of the Membership. The appeal will be formally presented, and a secret ballot of Members present (a quorum must be present) will be taken. A two-thirds (2/3) vote will be required to reinstate the Officer or Member of the Executive Board.

Article VII: Meetings: Regular/Special of the Executive Board and Membership

Quorum and Parliamentary Rules

Section 1: Regular Meetings of the Executive Board

The Executive Board must meet at least quarterly either in person or virtually. A quorum shall consist of three voting Executive Board Members.

Section 2: Special Meetings of the Executive Board

Special meetings of the Executive Board may be called by any Member of the Executive Board with thirty calendar days’ advance notice being given to all Members of the Board.

Section 3: Regular and Special Meetings of the Membership

The Association shall hold at least one annual meeting of the Membership. For the purpose of hosting annual meetings, the Midwest region is designated as Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky, Michigan, Minnesota, Missouri, Ohio, and Wisconsin. States contiguous to the Midwest region may also host annual meetings upon approval from the Board. Special Meetings of the Membership may be called by the President with approval of the Executive Board or by the Membership with the submission of a petition from at least 10% of the Membership requesting a special meeting. Thirty calendar days advance notice must be given to all Members of the Association of the Special Meeting, including the purpose and agenda for the meeting. A quorum of a meeting of Membership shall consist of the number of Members present at the Annual Meeting of the Membership.

Section 4: Parliamentary Rules and Rules on Quorums

All meetings of the Executive Board and Membership shall follow the Parliamentary Rules as detailed by the most recent edition of Robert’s Rules of Order. A three-quarters (3/4) vote of the Members present is required to suspend the Parliamentary Rules. If Quorums are not present at the meetings of the Executive Board or meetings of the Membership, only discussions and recommendations concerning a meeting’s agenda may occur and no official action can take place.

Article VIII: Nominations, Elections, Voting and Vacancies

Section 1: Nominations

The Nomination Committee shall submit a proposed slate of Officers and Elected Members of the Executive Board each year. In addition, nominations must be solicited from the Membership of the Association at least thirty calendar days prior to the closing of nominations for annual elections of the Association.

Section 2: Elections

Elections of Officers and Members of the Executive Board shall occur each year prior to the annual meeting of the Membership. Elections of Executive Board Members or Officers will consist of a majority vote by the Membership.

Section 3: Voting

Voting shall occur by anonymous electronic means (i.e., emailed survey) at least fourteen calendar days prior to the annual meeting of Membership. Voting will be open for a minimum of ten calendar days. Elections must be preceded by thirty calendar days advance notice to the Membership that elections will occur.

Section 4: Vacancies

The Executive Board by majority vote shall fill any vacancy of the Executive Board that occurs before expiration of the term of the Executive Board Member.

Article IX: Committee Appointments, Standing, Ad Hoc, Duties

Section 1: Appointment of Committee Chairpersons and Members

Upon taking office, the newly elected President is to submit to the Executive Board for its approval, their recommendations for Committees. It is understood that the submitted list of persons are Members of the Association and that they have agreed to serve on the committees. The Chairperson and Members of each Committee shall serve for one year or at least until their successors are approved by the Executive Board.

Section 2: Standing Committees

Standing Committees of the Association shall consist of the Nomination Committee and/or an Ad-Hoc Committee that is held for two Presidential terms and voted in as standing by the Executive Board. The Nomination Committee will be chaired by the Immediate Past President and will consist of at least two other Members of the Association, which are approved by the Executive Board. A standing committee, previously Ad-Hoc, will be named according to the duties and be chaired by an Executive Board Member. For example, the Communications Committee would be chaired by the Communications Chair.

Section 3: Ad Hoc Committees

The President may appoint Ad-Hoc Committees to work on specific tasks, as necessary. The Ad-Hoc Committee will be dissolved with the end of the President’s term of office. The incoming President can reappoint said Committees if there is still a need with the support of the Executive Board. After two presidential terms the Ad-Hoc can become standing if so needed.

Section 4: Duties of Committees

The Executive Board shall define the duties and responsibilities of each Committee, unless specifically defined by these Bylaws.

Article X: Amendments of Bylaws

Any Member of the Association may submit amendments to these Bylaws. The proposed amendments will be submitted to the Executive Board as a recommendation for discussion. The Executive Board will approve or disapprove the proposed amendment for Bylaws. If approved, the Executive Board will submit the proposed amendment to the Associations Membership for approval. Membership voting on Bylaws amendments shall follow the same processes as used for election of Officers. If the Executive Board disapproves the amendment, the amendment may be brought to a vote of the Membership by the submission of a petition of at least 10% of the Membership. Such a petition must be considered at the next scheduled meeting of the Membership.

Article XI: Termination of Association, Disposition of Records, Resources and Monies

Section 1: Disposition of Records

If the Association is formally dissolved as a non-profit scientific corporation, then all minutes, books, documents, materials, and records will be donated to Society of Forensic Toxicologists, Inc., unless their disposition is directed otherwise by the Executive Board.

Section 2: Disposition of Monies

If the Association is formally dissolved as a non-profit scientific corporation, then all monies and resources will be donated to the Society of Forensic Toxicologists, Inc., unless their disposition is directed otherwise by the Executive Board.

Bylaws Revised: April 2024

Previous Revision:  April 2020

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